Gaz Roberts:
pro illustrator and owner at T.B.L.

I’ve been an image-maker since a very young age.  I was the kid at school who, during ‘rainy break’, opted to not read a book or play a board game, but to grab a pile of paper and a pencil.  I was usually the one jumping to my classmates’ demands of “DRAW OPTIMUS PRIME!”, “NOW DRAW SUPERMAN!”… “I BET YOU CAN’T DRAW HE-MAN FIGHTING SKELETOR!!”… it was the 1980s afterall.

I’ve never really moved on from there – sure, it’s more structured, more formal in most cases but now it’s my job.

 In 2007 I discovered the world of Scribing during a stint at a notable, London-based business consultancy that specialised in collaborative events for large organisations… and I was hooked.

 I’ve ticked many boxes in the career bucket-list but I always beamed back down to ‘Planet Scribe’ – the instantaneousness of it, the seat-of-the-pants-ness (I think that’s a word), the continuous challenges that it throws up! My creative mind loves that stuff!

In short: I love my job – I’m good at it – but I’m better at it when YOU’RE involved.

Let’s draw out those stories; capture the value in those vital conversations and define those big ideas !